TRAITS AND PORTRAITS. For Alberto. 33 Photographs by Fulvia Farassino

Mole Antonelliana, Torino
20 November 20136 January 2014
Curated by: Cesare Colombo

This exhibition recounts a life spent among festivals, sets and backstages, begun with her husband Alberto Farassino, the famous film critic and journalist for Repubblica, who died in 2003. Fulvia Farassino as been taking professional photographs of the protagonists of cinema, theatre and television since the end of the Seventies: on stages, on sets, during intervals, at meetings with the press, in the limelight at festivals. Or ultimately during brief moments of thoughtful solitude. Amongst the thousands of shoots held in her archive, she wished to make a clear-cut selection for this exhibition dedicated to the memory of her husband Alberto, an unforgettable figure as a film historian and critic.