For LESSONS ON CINEMA. Four films by Ozu Yasujiro, film screening of Banshun.
Cinema Massimo – 8 May 2013, 6.00 p.m.
Within the LESSONS ON CINEMA. Four films by Ozu Yasujiro showcase, the National Cinema Museum presents the film screening of Banshun (Late spring), Wednesday 8 May 2013 at 6.00 p.m. on Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo. Admission 4 euro (3 euro for university students). Film introduction by Dario Tomasi.
The LESSONS ON CINEMA. Four films by Ozu Yasujiro showcase is organised in collaboration with the History of Cinema Chair of the School of Humanities (Turin University) concurrently with the course Aspects of Far Eastern cinema held by prof. Dario Tomasi and will present four rendez-vous each week with the same number of masterpieces by Ozu Yasujiro, presented in recently digitally restored prints.