Alfredo Casella’s entire symphonic suite, will be accompanied by Luce Historical Archive images, at the ALFREDO CASELLA FESTIVAL.

Cinema Massimo – 22 April 2016, at 8.30 and 10.30 p.m. – Screen Three

For the occasion of the great festival dedicated to Turin composer, pianist and orchestra conductor Alfredo Casella, the National Cinema Museum is offering-a special double-bill evening on Friday 22 April at 8.30 p.m. and at 10.30 p.m. at the Cinema Massimo.


It will begin with Pagine di guerra. Cinque film musicali per orchestra op. 25 bis (War pages. Five musical films for orchestra op. 25 bis) by Alfredo Casella, in which the five brief symphonic impressions composing this work of his will be accompanied by a montage of images from the Great War, taken from period documentaries provided by the Luce Historical Archive.


Following this, the two filmic versions of Pirandello’s La Giara will be screened: the one directed in 1954 by Giorgio Pastina for the collective film Questa è la vita, with music by Domenico Modugno, and the one by brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani shot for Kaos thirty years later in 1984, with music by Nicola Piovani. The total duration of the programme will be 77’. Admission 6 € (concessions 4 – 3 €)