The PLANET AFRICA. The diaspora in our times showcase will kick-off for the occasion of World Africa Day.

Cinema Massimo – 25-29 May 2016, – Screen Three

For the occasion of the World Africa Day on Wednesday 25 May, rendez-vous at the Cinema Massimo from Wednesday 25 to Sunday 29 May with PLANET AFRICA. The diaspora in our times, a showcase with four films highlighting social and cultural dynamics linked to migrations from Africa to the other continents. Stories about identity, lost homelands, regrets, nostalgia, but also new opportunities.

As in a Greek tragedy, for instance in Tey Senegalese Alain Gomis depicts all the residual emptiness which renders the protagonist estranged from himself as well as the places of his childhood, while in Teza by Haile Gerima the prevailing aspect is the individual’s feeling of being useless for his country, being unable to understand the changes and the disillusionment of contemporary Ethiopia. Necessity and fear, on the other hand, represent the driving forces towards exile in Por aqui tudo bem by Pocas Pascoal. A leap into the past, finally, with Alyam Alyam, a tribute to Moroccan cinema with a film which director Ahmed El Maanouni currently considers foresighted about today’s situation, and about hope-driven voyages through the Mediterranean, which are often broken off tragically.

Admission 3 euro for all the screenings.