For TALKS IN PROGRESS, book presentation of La mèta di un sogno. Il mestiere di aiuto regista by Roberto Pariante.

Library/Mediatheque –18 December 2013, 8.30 p.m.

New rendez-vous for TALKS IN PROGRESS with the presentation of the book La mèta di un sogno. Il mestiere di aiuto regista (Half of the dream. The assistant director’s job) by Roberto Pariante, Editore Bonanno 2013, on Wednesday 18 December at 8.30 p.m. in the Events room at the Library/Mediatheque. A small exhibition will be set up for this occasion, with original screenplays by Pariante on display, testifying to his work on the set. All materials are part of the Fondo Pariante, preserved in the National Cinema Museum’s storic archive.


Contributions by Mariella Ercoli Pariante (curator of the book), Davide Ferrario (filmmaker), Lorenzo Ventavoli (cinema historian), Franco Prono (Turin University). Actress Eleonora Pariante will read some excerpts from the book. Meeting moderated by Fabio Pezzetti Tonion (NCM).