For TALKS IN PROGRESS, presentation of the book Abel Ferrara. A filmmaker strolling through genres by Fabrizio Fogliato.

Library/Mediatheque – 21 February 2014, 8.30 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque will host the presentation of the book ABEL FERRARA. Un filmaker a passeggio tra i generi (A filmmaker strolling through genres) by Fabrizio Fogliato, Sovera Editions 2013, for TALKS IN PROGRESS on Friday 21 February at 8.30 p.m.

The author will be in conversation with Francesco Giai Via (Torino Film Festival). Meeting moderated by Fabio Pezzetti Tonion (NCM).

To follow, screening of The Addiction by Abel Ferrara, USA 1995, 82’, b/w. Cast: L. Taylor, C. Walken, A. Sciorra, E. Falco.