Off the set. Chiara Samugheo’s phographs for cinema
The National Cinema Museum in Turin is dedicating a solo tribute to Chiara Samugheo, the first woman in Italy to become a professional photographer. The exhibition will offer a testimony of the unique and innovative style of this artist, who re-interpreted the photography of those years, portraying cinema protagonist off set and working for fashion and lifestyle magazines such as Epoca, Stern, Vogue, Paris Match, Life, Vanity Fair. In addition to the sections dedicated to those actresses, film directors, actors and the couples who made the cinema of the Fifties and Sixties great, the exhibition will also showcase the photographer’s sequences, graphic experimenting, cover pages and books.
A selection of the photographs exhibited at the Mole Antonelliana may be purchased from Raffaella De Chirico Arte Contemporanea (Via Vanchiglia 11/A, Torino; www.dechiricogalleriadarte.it).