Hedy Lamarr: La donna gatto. Edoardo Segantini’s book at the Mole Antonelliana building

National Cinema Museum – 7 July 2011, at 6 p.m., Conference Room

The National Cinema Museum has organised a presentation of the book Hedy Lamarr: La donna gatto by Edoardo Segantini (published by Rubbettino Editore) on Thursday, 7 July, at 6 p.m. in the Mole Antonelliana’s conference room. Joining the author, who will be answering questions from the audience, will be Alberto Barbera and Anna Masera. Free entrance.

It is a tribute to a film star who was a precursor of the ‘modern woman’, a master of her own destiny, who used her beauty and her intelligence in the most unscrupulous way, to get ahead in the world as it was at that time.