Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca - From 29th January up to 4th February 2009

- Monday 1st February 2010, at 3.30 p.m.

For the exhibit THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE the screening of the film The forgotten by Preston Sturges

First appointment with the exhibit THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE/L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA. Cinema e viaggio with the screening of the film The forgotten by Preston Sturges. The film, full of quotes, addresses and resolves the eternal dispute of filmmakers between humor and social commitment. This comedy, with tragic ending, is an anthem to cinema, but more generally reveals an accurate and balanced idea of cinema in which Sturges, just like his hero, tries to explain what it means to be a director. The film is the first appointment of this film exhibit L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA. Cinema e viaggio, organized by Bibliomediateca with the coordination of Silvio Alovisio (University of Turin) and edited by the university cinema group Gli sperduti nel buio. The exhibit is held to mark the exhibt L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA. A small story of luggage organized by the Turin Museums Foundation – Borgo e Rocca Medievale from  February 14 to  May 10, 2010.