Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca - From 19 February up to 25 February 2009

- Friday 19 February 2010, 8.30 p.m.

For DIALOGHI IN CORSO/ONGOING DIALOGUES Fellini evening, la Dolce Vita: meeting and presentation of books dedicated to Fellini masterpieces.

On the occasion of the exhibit Gli anni della Dolce Vita/The years of La Dolce Vita, at the National Cinema Museum from 19 January to 21 march 2010, a new appointment with DIALOGHI IN CORSO/ONGOING DIALOGUESPresentation of new books, DVDs and reading with a round table on Fellini, la Dolce Vita. During this meeting – in collaboration with the National Cinema Museum Association and organized by Maurizio Costa (Lindau, 2010) and La Natura Morta de “La Dolce Vita”/The Still Life of “La Dolce Vita”Un misterioso Morandi nella rete dello sguardo di Fellini/A mysterious Morandi in the web of Fellini’s glance by Mauro Aprile Zanetti (Bloc-notes Edition, Italian Cultural Institute, New York City, 2008).  Followed, for the first time in Turin, by the screening of the documentary Federico the great by Gianni Volpi and Goffredo Fofi.



- Mondau 22 February 2010, 3.30 p.m.

For the film exhibit THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE/ L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA a screening of the film  Il Toro/The Bull  by Carlo Mazzacurati.

Second appointment with the film exhibit THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE/ L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA with a screening of the film Il Toro/The Bull  by Carlo Mazzacurati.  A real journey into the end of the night.  A pilgrimage towards the east, in search of a meaning for an existence spent between uncertainty and the art of survival. Thanks to the metaphor of this journey, Mazzacurati’s existential fresco allows us to reflect on initiation and friendship.  Introduction by Hamilton Santià.

The film is part of the film exhibit THE MAN WITH THE SUITCASE/ L’UOMO CON LA VALIGIA. Cinema and journey, organized by the Bibliomediateca with the coordination of Silvio Alovisio (University of Turin) and arranged by the university cinema group Sperduti nel buio/Lost in the dark.  The review is produced for the exhibit The man with the suitcase/L’uomo con la valigia.  Piccola storia del bagaglio/A short story of luggage, organized by the Turin Museum Foundation – Medieval Village and Fortress from 14 February to 10 May 2010.