Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti will present La pazza gioia at the Cinema Massimo.

Cinema Massimo – 17 May 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen One

The National Cinema Museum, Film Commissione Torino Piemonte and FIP Film Investimenti Piemonte are pleased to host director Paolo Virzì at the Cinema Massimo, accompanied by Micaela Ramazzotti, who will introduce his latest film La pazza gioia (Like crazy) to the public in Turin, with which he is taking part for the first time at the Cannes Film Festival within the Directors' Fortnight selection.


The presentation will take place on Tuesday 17 May at 8.30 p.m., at Screen One in the Cinema Massimo. To follow, meeting /debate with the director and the performer actress. Admission 7.50/5.00 euro.