LUX FILM DAYS – The finalist films for the Lux Film Prize at the cinema Massimo.

Cinema Massimo – 8 January 2018, from 4.00 p.m. – Screen One

The National Cinema Museum is pleased to host the finalist films for the Lux Film Prize, an important initiative by the European Parliament, at the Museum for the first time, on Monday 8 January, starting from 4.00 p.m. at Screen One at the Cinema Massimo,.

From 2012 the Lux Film Days have been bringing the three Lux Film Prize finalist films to 28 countries of the European Union. The works are all presented in original version, subtitled and admission free. The calendar is as follows:


4.00 p.m. Sami Blood by Amanda Kernell (S/Dk/N 2016, 120’, o.v. it. s/t)

6.15 p.m. Western by Valeska Grisebach (G 2017, 119’, o.v. it. s/t)

8.30 p.m. 120 beats per minute by Robin Campillo (F 2017, 144’, o.v. it. s/t)