
PLANET AFRICA will open with a tribute by the Museum to Mauritanian filmmaker Abderrahmane Sissako.

Cinema Massimo – from 2 to 5 October 2015 - Screen Three

This opening showcase in the month of October will offer a tribute to the cinema of Mauritanian filmmaker Abderrahmane Sissako, known for his recent success with Timbuktu, a poet of uprooting and travel in the most diverse formats – from a filmed, almost documentary...


Exceptional [IMPORT] features for October: Tales by Iranian Rakhshan Bani and The Postman's White Nights by Andrey Konchalovsky presented by its director.

Cinema Massimo –from 2 to 28 October 2015 - Screen Three

[Import] for October – the interesting monthly rendez-vous which is aiming to bring the very latest films which received great accolades at international festivals, but did not find any distribution in Italy, to the cinema – is offering two films which are great social frescoes, directed by...


The Incredible Shrinking Man by Jack Arnold, will be screened for 35MM, with the print held by the National Cinema Museum film-archive.

Cinema Massimo – from 2 October to 1 November 2015 - Screen Three

The 35MM rendez-vous in October is proposing The Incredible Shrinking Man by Jack Arnold on the print held by the National Cinema Museum film-archive. Drawn from the novel by Richard Matheson, who also wrote the screenplay, the film is considered one of...


Presentation of the Pale Mothers. Recounting terrorism between Italy and Germany showcase.

Fondazione Luigi Einaudi – 1 October 2015, 5.00 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum "Mario Gromo" Library/Mediatheque, is presenting the Pale Mothers. Recounting terrorism between Italy and Germany showcase, in collaboration with the Luigi Einaudi Foundation, on Thursday 1 October at 5.00 p.m. at the...


HISTOIRE(S) DU CINEMA, the cycle dedicated to cinema classics is about to begin. The first film to be screened will be The Kid by Charles S. Chaplin.

Cinema Massimo – 30 September 2015 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is offering a new series of dates from September at the Cinema Massimo, in collaboration with the Humanities Department of Turin University, dedicated to the classics of film history, from the silent era up to the 1980s.


It starts on 30...


Presentation of the volume Fritz Lang, Alfred Hitchcock. Vite parallele by Stefano Sciacca, with contributions by Giampiero Frasca.

Library/Mediatheque – 30 September 2015 – Events Room

Fritz Lang and Alfred Hitchcock are the protagonists of seminal stages in film history, and following their work means going from silent to sound cinema, up to the introduction of sound. Stefano Sciacca, a law, internet and society scholar, is...


Italian rap is the focus of DOC, with Enrico Bisi’s feature film Numero Zero which recounts the origins of rap in Italy, on the wave of international hip hop.

Cinema Massimo – 29 September 2015 – Screen One

The DOC rendez-vous in September is dedicated to music, and in particular to Italian rap. On 29 September the National Cinema Museum is hosting the feature film Numero Zero at the Cinema Massimo, by Enrico Bisi, who is returning to his...


First date for the Moving TFF 2015 showcase with Letter from an Unknown Woman by Max Ophuls.

Library/Mediatheque – 28 September 2015, 3.30 p.m. – Events Room

For the occasion of the 33rd Torino Film Festival, which will take place from 20 to 28 November 2015, Moving TFF, the film showcase acting as a run-up circuit towards the Turin festival, will be back at the “Mario Gromo” Library/...


ITALIAN CINEMA TO (RE)DISCOVER. Presentation of Ultimo atto – Vol. 1. Da Alessandro Blasetti a Massimo Pirri by Fabrizio Fogliato.

Library/Mediatheque – 24 September 2015 – Events Room

Ultimo atto – Vol.1. Da Alessandro Blasetti a Massimo Pirri (Last act – Vol.1. From Alessandro Blasetti to Massimo Pirri) collates great authors, with their less-known and less-esearched films, and ones who are deemed “not aligned”, obscure and even extreme in...


For the MEETINGS cycle at the Cinema Massimo, historian Fabio Levi will present his volume L’accessibilità alla cultura per i disabili visivi. Storia e orientamenti, published by Zamorani.

Cinema Massimo – 22 September 2015 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is presenting the volume L'accessibilità alla cultura per i disabili visivi. Storia e orientamenti (Accessibility to culture for the visually impaired. History and trends) by...
