Presentation of the book La bottega delle illusioni. Georges Méliès e il cinema comico e fantastico francese (1896-1914) by Enrico Giacovelli.

Library/Mediatheque – 12 November 2015, 6.00 p.m. – Events Room

Presentation of the book La bottega delle illusioni. Georges Méliès e il cinema comico e fantastico francese (1896-1914) / The illusions shop. Georges Méliès and French comic and fantastic cinema (1896-1914) by Enrico Giacovelli, Bietti 2015. The illusions shop is a place, also in the mind, where the history of cinema began and where some still go to poke around, even today. Enrico Giacovelli has done it too, in a volume that has just come out from Bietti, which is the most vast and exhaustive study on Georges Méliès and the authors (from Segundo de Chomón to Émile Cohl, from Alice Guy to Max Linder) who shared the golden years of short silent cinema with him. The author will be in conversation about his book, about Méliès and about illusion shops with Maurizio Nichetti (who will also present a rare 1987 short film of his dedicated to the inventor of fantastic cinema) and Donata Pesenti Campagnoni (NCM Vice Director and Head Conservator), accompanied by visual fragments by Méliès, but also by Clair, Chomet, Von Trier.

Meeting introduced by Marco Grifo (NCM).