The MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS): Permanent Festival of Restored Film presents the restoration of Milos Forman’s film Amadeus.

Cinema Massimo – 1 February 2011, at 8.45 p.m.

On Tuesday 1st February 2011 at 8.45 p.m. in Cinema Massimo’s Screen Three, the National Cinema Museum presents the restoration of Milos Forman’s film Amadeus in a copy reprinted by Warner Bros. France for the Grand Lyon Film Festival – Lumière 2010. There will be repeat screening on Wednesday, 2nd February 2011 at 4.30 p.m. Admission: €5.50/4.00/3.00.

The winner of eight well-deserved Oscars, Amadeus is a spectacular film presenting a wonderful account of one of the greatest musicians in the history of music of all time: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Filmed with the most audacious taste for playfulness, it contemplates the contrast between genius and mediocrity and tackles the theme of Salieri’s feelings of envy towards the younger and more talented Mozart. A sublime film from the music to the costumes, the scenery and the performances.

The film is the fourth screening in our new and exciting season of the MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS): Permanent Festival of Restored Film.