In conjunction with TORINO SPIRITUALITA’, the National Cinema Museum presents two different events

Cinema Massimo – 1 and 2 October 2011, from 10 p.m., Screen Three - Bibliomediateca – 30 September 2011, at 8.30 p.m., Sala Eventi function room

The National Cinema Museum presents its film marathon LA NOTTE DELLA CATASTROFE (CATASTROPHE NIGHT) at Cinema Massimo, on the night between Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October, starting at 10 p.m. to mark TORINO SPIRITUALITA’ 2011, four classic B-movies about the end of the world. The evening starts at 10 p.m. on Saturday with Stanley Kramer’s On the Beach and continues at 12.30 a.m. with Roger Corman’s Day the World Ended. At 2 a.m. on Sunday it’s the turn of Ishirô Honda’s film Dogora, the Space Monster, after which, at 3.45 a.m., there will be a screening of Rudolph Maté’s When Worlds Collide, the film that will end our marathon. Admission: 4.00 euros.

In Bibliomediateca, our usual DIALOGHI IN CORSO evening on Friday, 30 September 2011 at 8.30 p.m. will feature the national premiere of the DVD TRA I POPOLI DI DIO - INCONTRI OLTRE I MURI produced by the Associazione Ponte di Pace non-profit organisation in partnership with Piedmont’s Commissariato di Terra Santa, Italy 2011.

The evening will include a screening of excerpts from the DVD and a talk by its creators, Chiara Tamagno (President of the Associazione Ponte di Pace) and one of the most eloquent eyewitnesses of the Israeli-Palestinian situation, professor Meir Margalit, director of the ICAHD and a Jerusalem city councillor. The evening’s compere will be Roberta Russo.