Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca – from 11 to 17 november 2011

- MONDAY 14 NOVEMBER – at 3.30 p.m.

The series entitled SPETTACOLO DI VARIETÀ (VARIETY PERFORMANCE): Classic American musicals presents Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly’s Singing in the Rain. Introduced by Nicolò Vigna.


As part of SPETTACOLO DI VARIETÀ (VARIETY PERFORMANCE): Classic American musicals, the National Cinema Museum presents a screening of Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly’s film Singing in the Rain in the Bibliomediateca on Monday, 14 November 2011 at 3.30 p.m. Introduced by Nicolò Vigna.

The festival has been organised in partnership with the University of Turin’s DAMS college for the performing arts and the Sperduti nel buio film group headed by Giulia Carluccio.



- WEDNESDAY 16 NOVEMBER – at 8.30 p.m.

VOCI DEL SILENZIO (VOICES OF THE SILENCE) returns with “The scientist with a film camera: film at the service of science”: a presentation of the book Osvaldo Polimanti e le origini della cinematografia scientifica by Osvaldo Polimanti.


VOCI DEL SILENZIO (VOICES OF THE SILENCE) returns on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 at 8.30 p.m. with “The scientist with a film camera: film at the service of science”. During the evening, there will be a presentation of the book Osvaldo Polimanti e le origini della cinematografia scientifica by Osvaldo Polimanti, edited by L. Lorusso, V. Tosi and G. Almadori, (published by Carocci Editore, 2011).



- THURSDAY 17 NOVEMBER – at 3.00 p.m.

A talk on the book Cinemafilosofia by Paolo Bertetto and Andrea Minuz for the NUOVI ORIZZONTI DELLA TEORIA (NEW THEORETICAL HORIZONS): series of talks on film and media.


The National Cinema Museum presents a new event in the NUOVI ORIZZONTI DELLA TEORIA (NEW THEORETICAL HORIZONS): series of talks on film and media in the Bibliomediateca on Thursday, 17 November 2011 at 3 p.m., with a talk discussing the book Cinemafilosofia by Paolo Bertetto and Andrea Minuz, (IMAGO studi di cinema e media no. 2/2010, published by Bulzoni Editore). Featuring contributions from Paolo Bertetto (La Sapienza University of Rome) and Umberto Curi (University of Padua). Introduced by Giulia Carluccio (University of Turin).



- FRIDAY 18 NOVEMBER – at 8.30 p.m.

A roundtable entitled Audrey at Tiffany’s: a 50-year legend discussing the actress’s extraordinary film career for the DIALOGHI IN CORSO series of new books, DVDs and readings.


The next event in the DIALOGHI IN CORSO series will be on Friday, 18 November 2011 at 8.30 p.m. and will feature a roundtable entitled Audrey at Tiffany’s: a 50-year legend, discussing the actress’s extraordinary film career, with a screening of documents, interviews and archive footage on Audrey Hepburn and Blake Edwards’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s.