New rendez-vous for Psi-che Cinema!, organised by the Temenos Jungian Cultural Centre, with the screening of "Stardust Memories" by Woody Allen.

Cinema Massimo – 3 March 2018, 4.30 p.m. – Screen Three

Third and last date for Psi-che Cinema!, the initiative organised by the Temenos Jungian Cultural Centre, in collaboration with the National Cinema Museum, offering a journey through three cinema masterpieces for those who wish for an introspective and psychological approach. After the first meeting in January with A clockwork orange by Stanley Kubrick, and the second one in February with Giulietta degli spiriti by Federico Fellini, the final rendez-vous is with Stardust Memories by Woody Allen.

In this film Allen offers a satyrical and sharp view on the price of fame and an ironical reflection on the conflict between a social role and the true interior side of a person: the cineforum meeting will focus exactly on such themes, through an introduction to the Jungian Persona issue, that is, the social mask, the adaptation system, how we have contacts with the world. The conversation will be led by Andrea Graglia, a Jungian-oriented psychologist in Turin, and will involve the public as well as the guests: Michele Oldani, a Jungian psychoanalyst from Milan, and Grazia Paganelli.

Admission to the screening is by payment of a fee, 6.00/4.00/3.00 euro, while taking part in the meeting is admission free.


Woody Allen

Stardust Memories

(USA 1980, 91’, b/w)

Sandy Bates is a successful comic film director, who is fed up with only being amusing. He is now preparing a hermetic film on the transience of life, distant from his previous work, thus he is hindered by his producer, who tries in every way to make the outcome commercial. On the brink of a nervous breakdown, Sandy attends a weekend with a retrospective dedicated to his films, where he will have some meetings which will make him reflect on the meaning of his work and on the value of his existence.