Alberto Barbera and Thierry Fremaux present Lumière!, a tribute to the Lumière brothers, the inventors of film, as a grand finale to end the MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS) permanent festival of res

Cinema Massimo – 17 November 2010, at 8.45 p.m.

The grand finale of the MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS) Permanent festival of restored film, will take place on Wednesday the 17th of November 2010 at 8.45 p.m., in Cinema Massimo's Screen 3. The evening will feature a selection of films entitled Lumière!, filmed by Louis Lumière and his staff immediately after the great screening that unveiled cinema to the first audiences of all time.

The film was edited by the Institut Lumière and is based on the restorations carried out by the Archives Francaises du Film and Bologna city council's film archive. The programme has been prepared by Thierry Fremaux, director of the Institut Lumière in Lyon, who will introduce and explain the film with the assistance of Alberto Barbera. The programme also features extremely rare footage, such as the first colour films, made by the Lumière brothers using a technology they invented and patented (known as 'Autochromie'), as well as the first, extraordinary 3D footage ever made in the history of cinema. Admission: 5.50/4.00/3.00 euros.