Events in Bibliomediateca

Biblomediateca – From 7th to 13th may 2010

- Monday 10 May 2010, 3.30 p.m.

For the festival COLPI DI GENIO. Scienziati e incontri al cinema, screening of the film Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Victor Fleming.

New appointments at the Library / Mediatheque for Monday 10 May 2010 with the film festival COLPI DI GENIO. Scienziati e incontri al cinema. The programme includes the screening of the film Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Victor Fleming, based on the book by Robert Louis Stevenson. The film is a remake of  Rouben Mamoulian’s Doctor Jekyll (1932), the first important film in the series based on the book of the same name, which offers a reflection on research, at the limits of science, on the – often joint – relationship between good and evil. Fleming’s film looks at these issues placing the accent on the Puritanism of Victorian England, and on the traditions that take precedence over risk and “adventure”. Thanks also to the female characters, the narration spans from love story to sentimental drama, the most representative aspects of the film. Introduced by Gabriele Rigola.