
Per ricevere i materiali stampa scrivere a geraci@museocinema.it

Events in Cinema Massimo

Cinema Massimo - from 7 to 13 october 2011

- MONDAY 10 OCTOBER, at 8.15 p.m. and  10.30 p.m. – SCREEN THREE

As part of...


Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca, from 7 to 13 october 2011


- FRIDAY 7 OCTOBER – at 8.30 p.m.

For the DIALOGHI IN CORSO presentation of newly published books, DVDs and readings, an evening entitled At the dinner...


The National Cinema Museum pays tribute to the comic genius of Blake Edwards with HOLLYWOOD PARTY, an extensive retrospective about him, in October and November.

Cinema Massimo – From 5 October to 1 November 2011, Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is devoting an extensive festival to Blake Edwards entitled HOLLYWOOD PARTY: A Blake Edwards retrospective. This tribute to the film director is a National ...


The National Cinema Museum presents Jerzy Skolimowski’s Deep End for MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS): the Permanent Festival of Restored Film.

Cinema Massimo – 4 October 2011, at 8.45 p.m., Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum presents Jerzy Skolimowski’s film Deep End, screening a copy restored by the British Film Institute on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 at 8....


Il MNC in tournée a Ottobre e Novembre! I recenti restauri del Museo Nazionale del Cinema presentati a Lione, New York, Washington, Rio de Janeiro, San Paolo, Madrid e Pordenone.

Autunno 2011

Un fitto calendario di appuntamenti in alcune delle sedi più prestigiose del mondo offrirà una ribalta internazionale alle più recenti operazioni di restauro di classici della storia del cinema, molte delle quali realizzate in collaborazione con la Cineteca di Bologna.

Il Museo Nazionale...


The National Cinema Museum presents its exhibition MAGNUM ON SET: film as seen by great photographers

Mole Antonelliana - 26 May - 2 October 2011

From 26 May to 2 October 2011, the National Cinema Museum presents the exhibition MAGNUM ON SET: film as seen by great photographers, where 146 photographs take us on a voyage that explores the history of the special relationship that the photographers from the greatest agency...


Il Museo Nazionale del Cinema e l’Ambasciata di Francia presentano la rassegna Je viens d’Italie dedicata agli attori franco-italiani.

Cinema Massimo, 1 - 4 ottobre 2011

In occasione delle celebrazioni per il 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia, l’Ambasciata di Francia e il Museo Nazionale del Cinema organizzano al Cinema Massimo, dal 1 al 4 ottobre 2011, la rassegna...


In conjunction with TORINO SPIRITUALITA’, the National Cinema Museum presents two different events

Cinema Massimo – 1 and 2 October 2011, from 10 p.m., Screen Three - Bibliomediateca – 30 September 2011, at 8.30 p.m., Sala Eventi function room

The National Cinema Museum presents its film marathon LA NOTTE DELLA CATASTROFE (CATASTROPHE NIGHT) at Cinema Massimo, on the night between Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October, starting at 10 p...


Events in Cinema Massimo

Cinema Massimo – from 30 september to 6 october 2011

- FRIDAY 30 SEPTEMBER, 8.45/10.30 p.m., SCREEN THREE

 As part of CROSSROADS, the National Cinema Museum presents a premiere...


Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca – from 30 september to 6 october 2011

- FRIDAY 30 SEPTEMBER – 8.30 p.m.

In conjunction with TORINO SPIRITUALITA’, our usual DIALOGHI IN CORSO evening will focus on the national premiere of the DVD...
