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Bestiale! Animal Film Stars showcase and special event with Randy Haberkamp and the Great Hollywood Dogs

From Friday 13 October to Wednesday 1 November 2017 - Tuesday 17 October 2017, 8.30 p.m., Cinema Massimo, Screen Three and Screen One – Turin

For the occasion of the great BESTIALE! Animal Film Stars exhibition, the National Cinema Museum is presenting a showcase with the same title at the Cinema Massimo, from Friday 13 October to Wednesday 1 November, featuring ten films starring our most famous animal pals from the...


FIRST FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE NATIONAL CINEMA MUSEUM - Accounts under control and a satisfying performance in revenues, currently beginning to work on a vision for growth.

Turin, 19 September 2017

The Turin National Cinema Museum accounts are under control and a satisfying performance is being registered as concerns its revenues. This is the result, less than three months from the establishment of the new Management Committee, following a careful assessment of the financial state of the...


PHOTO. The Paparazzi are here! - Cinematographic showcase for the occasion of the CAMERA - Italian Centre for Photography exhibition

Cinema Massimo, Screen Three - CAMERA - Italian Centre for Photography - From Wednesday 20 September to Friday 3 November 2017

The National Cinema Museum and CAMERA – Italian Centre for Photography are presenting a cinematographic showcase, structured in four monthly dates, titled PHOTO. The Paparazzi are here! at the Cinema Massimo and at the CAMERA venues, from...


TRIBUTE TO TOTO’. The National Cinema Museum in Turin renders a tribute to the Prince of Laughter fifty years from his demise

16 September 2017 - 8.30 p.m. - National Cinema Museum, Temple Hall

For the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Totò’s death, the National Cinema Museum in Turin is organising an evening dedicated to this great Neapolitan actor, in collaboration with the Piedmont Region Culture Department.




UNDER THE SIGN OF VOLONTÉ exhibition. From the National Cinema Museum collections.

Library/Mediatheque – from 17 May to 15 September 2017 – Exhibitions Space – Inauguration 17 May 6.00 p.m.

This tribute set up in the new exhibition spaces at the Mario Gromo Library/Mediatheque, from Wednesday 17 May to Friday 15 September 2017, will be dedicated to Gian Maria Volonté – an evergreen, unsettled, rebellious and anti-conformist actor.





Museo Nazionale del Cinema, 27 june 2017

Within the framework of its programme of activities addressing young people, the National Cinema Museum has finished selecting the winners for its OUT OF FOCUS call, thanks to which young photographers are offered the opportunity of exhibiting their project in the new showcasing venue at the “...


HOLLYWOOD IN BLACK AND WHITE showcase. Ten classics from the Forties.

Cinema Massimo – From 6 June to 1st July 2017 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is presenting the showcase titled HOLLYWOOD IN BLACK AND WHITE. Ten classics from the Forties at the Cinema Massimo from Tuesday 6 June to Saturday 1 July.

Ten undisputable classics from the Forties Hollywood cinema, gathered...


Irene Dionisio is the new director of the Torino Gay & Lesbian Film Festival that will take place in Torino in June 2017, from 15 to 20

Cinema Massimo, from 15th to 20th of june 2017

Irene Dionisio, young and talented director and visual artist, is the new director of the Torino Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. She’s been appointed a few days after the recent election, as President, of Giovanni Minerba.

This decision...


“The complexity of things. Tribute to Robert Guédiguian” retrospective. The filmmaker and the actress Ariane Ascaride will be meeting the public at the cinema.

Cinema Massimo – From 2 to 30 May 2017 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is presenting the showcase titled The complexity of things. Robert Guédiguian Retrospective at the Cinema Massimo, from Tuesday 2 to Tuesday 30 May.

This showcase, offering all of the director’s films, from his debut to the latest film...


Art as a style of life. Tribute to Derek Jarman showcase.

Cinema Massimo – from 2 to 19 December 2016 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is presenting a showcase titled Art as a style of life. Tribute to Derek Jarman at the Cinema Massimo, from Friday 2 to Monday 19 December. This tribute to the English filmmaker is following the screening of Jubilee organised by the ...
