
Per ricevere i materiali stampa scrivere a geraci@museocinema.it

Events in Cinema Massimo

Cinema Massimo – From 25 february to 3 march 2011

– Friday 25 February 2011, at 8.30 p.m.

As part of our tribute to Alfred Hitchcock, the National Cinema Museum presents his film Blackmail at Cinema Massimo, introduced by Giulia Carluccio with a piano...


The MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS): Permanent Festival of Restored Film presents Richard Fleischer’s film Fantastic Voyage.

Cinema Massimo – 1 March 2011, at 8.45 p.m.

On Tuesday, 1 March 2011, the National Cinema Museum will present a restored copy of Richard Fleischer’s film Fantastic Voyage at 8.45 p.m. in Cinema Massimo’s Screen Three. This copy...


The National Cinema Museum presents John Schlesinger’s Midnight Cowboy for the LEGEND FILM FESTIVAL in 2K digital format.

Cinema Massimo – 28 February 2011, at 4 p.m./6.10 p.m./8.20 p.m./10.30 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum presents a screening of John Schlesinger’s film Midnight Cowboy, in a 2K digital version in Cinema Massimo’s Screen Two on Monday, 28 February 2011 from 4.30 p....


Un nuovo sistema di spedizione e archiviazione del materiale per i festival del Museo Nazionale del Cinema

Il Museo Nazionale del Cinema, da sempre attento alle tematiche ambientali, ha predisposto che, a partire da quest’anno Torino Film Festival, GLBT “Da Sodoma ad Hollywood” Film Festival, CinemAmbiente e il TorinoFilmLab abbiano...


ASIFA Italia dona il suo Archivio Storico del Cinema d’Animazione al Museo Nazionale del Cinema Trent’anni di storia di un’arte che racconta il presente e guarda al futuro

Cinema Massimo – 23 febbraio 2011, ore 21.00

ASIFA Italia - Associazione Italiana Film d’Animazione e il Museo Nazionale del Cinema hanno siglato, nel mese di febbraio 2011, un accordo che prevede la cessione dell’Archivio Storico di ASIFA alle Collezioni del Museo. Con questa donazione, che presenta...


The MAGNIFICHE VISIONI (MAGNIFICENT VISIONS): Permanent Festival of Restored Film presents Jules Dassin’s film Night and the City.

Cinema Massimo – 22 February 2011, at 8.45 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum presents the restoration of Jules Dassin’s film Night and the City on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011 at 8.45 p.m. in Cinema Massimo’s Screen Three. This copy has...


The National Cinema Museum presents George Lucas’s American Graffiti in a 2K digital version for the LEGEND FILM FESTIVAL.

Cinema Massimo – 21 febbraio 2011, ore 16.00/18.10/20.20/22.30

The National Cinema Museum presents a 2K digital screening of George Lucas’s film American Graffiti on Monday, 21 February 2011 from 4.00 p.m. in Cinema Massimo...


The National Cinema Museum presents NODO ALLA GOLA (ROPE): A tribute to Alfred Hitchcock at Cinema Massimo.

Cinema Massimo – From 18 to 28 February 2011

The National Cinema Museum pays tribute to the films of Alfred Hitchcock – film director, screenwriter, actor and film producer – with a wide-ranging retrospective, which will end in March, entitled Rope. The tribute to Alfred Hitchcock is a...


Events in Cinema Massimo

Cinema Massimo – From 11 to 17 february 2011

Monday 14 February 2011, at 3.30/8.00 p.m

The National Cinema Museum presents Victor Fleming’s film Gone with the Wind in a 2K digital version for the LEGEND FILM FESTIVAL.




Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca – from 11 to 17 february 2011

Monday - 14 February 2011, at 3.30 p.m.

The first event in the IL NOSTRO SGUARDO, LE LORO PAROLE (OUR GAZE, THEIR WORDS) festival features a screening of Paolo and Vittorio Taviani’s film Le affinità elettive (...
