Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca – from 11 to 17 february 2011

Monday - 14 February 2011, at 3.30 p.m.

The first event in the IL NOSTRO SGUARDO, LE LORO PAROLE (OUR GAZE, THEIR WORDS) festival features a screening of Paolo and Vittorio Taviani’s film Le affinità elettive (Elective Affinities), introduced by Attilio Palmieri.


The next event to be held in the Bibliomediateca will be on Monday, 14 February 2011 at 3.30 p.m., with a screening of Paolo and Vittorio Taviani’s film Le affinità elettive (Elective Affinities), as part of the IL NOSTRO SGUARDO, LE LORO PAROLE (OUR GAZE, THEIR WORDS): Italian cinema meets German literature. Introduced by Attilio Palmieri.

IL NOSTRO SGUARDO, LE LORO PAROLE (OUR GAZE, THEIR WORDS): Italian cinema meets German literature is the first festival planned for the 2011 season, organised by the National Cinema Museum in partnership with the Sperduti nel buio film club of the DAMS college for the performing arts of the University of Turin, the Goethe Institut of Turin and the Colloquia association.



Thursday – 17 February 2011, at 4.00 p.m.

A screening of Michael Haneke’s film The Piano Teacher for SAPERI DI DONNA (THE WISDOM OF WOMEN). Introduced by Antonella Angelini.


The next event to be held in the SAPERI DI DONNA festival is a screening of Michael Haneke’s film The Piano Teacher on Thursday, 17th February 2011 at 4.00 p.m. in the Bibliomediateca. This film director was the focus of a retrospective tribute, organised by the National Cinema Museum in February 2010. The film is linked to the book presented last week at the Italo Calvino library, Mi vedevo riflessa nel suo specchio: Psicanalisi del rapporto tra madre e figlia (I was reflected in her mirror: Psychoanalysis of the mother-daughter relationship) by Luisella Brusa.

SAPERI DI DONNA (THE WISDOM OF WOMEN) is a film and literary festival which holds two meetings a month (until July 2011) and promotes a culture of respect, equality and equal opportunities between men and women, through a series of talks in libraries throughout the region. The project has been organised in partnership with Turin city council’s Equal Opportunities and Gender Policies department, Turin’s Public Libraries, Department for the disabled-Passepartout Service, Fondazione Torino Musei-Borgo Medievale Museum-Medieval Hamlet Foundation, the Documé Association and the Fondazione Teatro Nuovo Torino-Liceo Teatro Nuovo. With funding from Districts 1, 3, 7 and 8.