Works in Short

23 October 2017, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

The Cinema Massimo is pleased to host an awards evening once again this year for the Works in Short – ThisAbility national competition, now reaching its sixth edition, under the curatorship of the National Cinema Museum Association.


This national competition for young authors, by curator Valentina D'Amelio, is exploring the theme of disability and of diverse forms of social inclusion. Arriving from all over Italy, selected short films and brief documentaries recount their protagonists’ hopes, aspirations and dreams, which show us through sports, music, the theatre and work, how we are all equally capable along the complex itinerary for discovering ourselves.


The jury will award cash prizes for a total amount of 2,600 euro, offered by the PG Frassati Cooperative, by Rai Cinema Channel, by the “Sicurezza e Lavoro” magazine and by Tactile Vision, plus further prizes in facilities offered by the Film Commission Torino Piemonte. This sixth edition of Works in Short is supported by the City of Turin within the ambit of the Motore di Ricerca – Comunità attiva project and by the CRT Foundation.

Info: – Facebook Lavori in Corto.

Admission free until full capacity is reached.