Dong Film Fest

Cinema Massimo – From 27 to 29 October 2017 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is pleased to host the second edition of the Dong Film Fest, the first Italian festival dedicated to Chinese emerging and independent cinema, at the Cinema Massimo from 27 to 29 October.

The Dong Film Fest wishes to make Chinese cinema culture known, and to create fertile ground on which to found the premises for an increasingly closer collaboration with China, starting from the artistic and cultural context of film production.


China continually contradicts itself, because it contains different souls, languages and eras. And Chinese cinema faces the subsequent precariousness and bewilderment, in dealing with burdensome themes, exploring places and lives in continual transformation, on the road, but lacking points of reference. Young Chinese filmmakers enquire into a fluid and changing reality, an increasingly less solid and social contemporary scenario, and they depict it with great skills for re-elaboration. Dong wishes to offer visibility to such cinema, which is surprising for its complexity, synthesis and beauty, and which also depicts something of our Western present, in depicting China.

The event is presenting 5 feature-length films and 5 short films once more this year, including national premieres hailing from  Berlin and from Cannes. They are feature films and, most particularly, directing debut films. A cinematography which restores the identity and viewpoint of the new generation of young Chinese directors, wooed by major international festivals, but still not much known in Italy.


The festival also offers various collateral initiatives, including off-screenings, video art and presentations. The whole programme is on and on the Facebook @dongfilmfest page. All screenings are in original Chinese version with subtitles in Italian.

Admission 5.00 euro.