
Marco Ferreri. Cinematography and films

The National Cinema Museum pays tribute to another great name in the history of Italian cinema: Marco Ferreri. This exhibition of over 100 images reveals the more private side of Marco Ferreri. Besides the set stills which piece together his rich and varied filmography, there are photos showing F... Continue

Mole Antonelliana, Torino
3 April2 June 2008

The century of the "Avvocato" Gianni Agnelli an extraordinary life

Five years after his death, a large exhibition of images, photos and films remembers Gianni Agnelli. Italy’s most important industrialist, the country’s best-known figure abroad, Agnelli was the head of one of the world’s greatest entrepreneurial dynasties, one of the few to have straddled two centu... Continue
Mole Antonelliana, Torino
4 February4 March 2008

Signs of life. Tribute to Werner Herzog

Organized by the National Cinema Museum, in collaboration with the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Teatro Regio di Torino, Scuola Holden, Werner Herzog Film and German Film.

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino
15 January10 February 2008

The collector - Carole Bellaïche, photographer for Cahiers du cinéma

Some of the most famous directors, actors and actresses of contemporary cinema, photographed by Carole Bellaïche for Cahiers du cinema. These artistic portraits, intense and personal, appear for the first time in an exhibit at the National Cinema Museum at the Mole Antonelliana. 140 imag... Continue

Mole Antonelliana, Torino
15 November 20073 February 2008

Restless Lucidity. A tribute to Elio Petri

The exhibit was organized on the occasion Paola Pegoraro Petri’s donation to the National Cinema Museum of the great director’s photographic and paper archives.
Elio Petri’s private archives include many documents, screenplays, over 500 photographs, notes, prizes and the extensive correspon... Continue

Mole Antonelliana, Torino
14 September4 November 2007