For WOMEN’S WISDOM, screening of the documentary Se potessimo cambiare il finale…. Introduced by Ornella Mura.
New date at the Library/Mediatheque for WOMEN’S WISDOM, with the screening of the documentary Se potessimo cambiare il finale… (If we could change the ending) by Minnie Ferrara and Alessandra Speciale, directed by Alessandra Speciale, produced by Province of Milan - Minnie Ferrara & Associati (Italy, 2006, 48’, col.), on Thursday 13 June 2013, at 4 p.m. Introduced by Ornella Mura.
WOMEN’S WISDOM is a literary and cinematographic showcase promoting a culture of respect, equality and equal opportunities between men and women, by means of a network of meetings in various libraries throughout the territory. This project is organised in collaboration with the City of Turin - Equal Opportunities, Schedules and Timetables in Town Office, Turin Municipal Libraries, Borgo Medievale, “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque, National Cinema Museum, Turin Centre for Female Thought Studies and Documentation, Turin Teatro Nuovo Foundation - Liceo Teatro Nuovo.
Admission free until full capacity is reached, subject to free registration at the Library/Mediatheque and presentation of an ID card.