For TALKS IN PROGRESS Pop & Cinema, presentation of the book La canzone pop e il cinema italiano. Gli anni del boom economico (1958-1963) by Mauro Buzzi.

Library/Mediatheque – 4 April 2014, 8.30 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque is organising the presentation of the book La canzone pop e il cinema italiano. Gli anni del boom economico (1958-1963) (Pop songs and Italian cinema. The economic boom years 1958-1963) by Mauro Buzzi, Edizioni Kaplan 2013, on Friday 4 April 2014 at 8.30 p.m. for TALKS IN PROGRESS.


In conversation with the author: Peppino Ortoleva (Turin University), Jacopo Conti (musicologist). Meeting moderator: Fabio Pezzetti Tonion (NCM).

To follow, screening of I ragazzi del juke-box (The jukebox kids) by Lucio Fulci, Italy, 1959, 102’, b/w. Cast: Adriano Celentano, Fred Buscaglione, Tony Dallara.