TRIBUTE TO PAOLO GOBETTI. The Resistance, cinema and cultural commitment on the twentieth anniversary of Paolo Gobetti’s demise.

Cinema Massimo – 16 December 2015, from 4.30 p.m. - Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum will host the tribute to Paolo Gobetti organised by the National Resistance Film Archive for the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of his demise, at the Cinema Massimo.

This brief showcase, which will deal with the Resistance times, and with Paolo Gobetti’s cinematic and cultural commitment through some of the films he made, is the first of the initiatives which the National Resistance Film Archive has thought of in order to recall his figure and his multi-faceted activity as a protagonist and master. In addition to the films, there will be film short clips of interviews to Paolo Gobetti, edited by Daniele Gaglianone.

Before the screening at 8.30 p.m., Bruno Gambarotta, Alessandro Amaducci, Franco Prono, Daniele Gaglianone and Melina Bracco will remember Paolo Gobetti.

Admission 6.00/4.00/3.00 euro.




4.30 p.m. Piero Gobetti’s friends


Questo ragazzo che è rimasto là lo perdo sempre di più (I am increasingly losing this boy who remained there) (interview fragment, 1989, 10’, col.)

Racconto interrotto (Interruped tale) by Paolo Gobetti and Claudio Cormio (1992, 55’, col. and b/w)


5.45 p.m. Cinema and activism


L'operaio che voleva spaccare la macchina (The worker who wanted to smash the machine) (interview fragment, 12', col.)

Scioperi a Torino (Strikes in Turin) by Carla Gobetti and Paolo Gobetti (1962, 35', b/w)


6.45 p.m. Memory paths


Il cinema secondo Paolo Gobetti (Cinema according to Paolo Gobetti) (interview fragment, 10', col.)

Autobiografia di una guerra civile (Autobiography of a civil war) by Paolo Gobetti, Paola Olivetti, Beppe Risso (1990, 50')


8.30 p.m. Resistance Resistance


Una piccola banda un po' sbandata... (A small, rather disbanded band) (interview fragment, 12', col.)


Le prime bande (The first bands) by Paolo Gobetti (1983, 90’, col. and b/w)


Cinecronache partigiane (Partisan Cine-chronicles) from a project by Paolo Gobetti made by Alessandro Amaducci and Daniele Gaglianone (1996, 45’, col. and b/w)