SeeYouSound presents UPM – Music Production Unit.

Cinema Massimo – 8 January 2016, 9.00 p.m. – Screen Three

UPM - Music Production Unit is an experiment, halfway between the artistic and the sociological, born from an idea by Enrico Gabrielli, the polymath instrumentalist of Calibro 35, and Sergio Giusti, a photography theorist, who asked themselves an important question: can creative work be boxed and managed like other productive sectors?

In order to answer, they took 72 musicians from the Italian independent scene, they clothed them in blue work overalls, they organised them in eight-hour work-shifts and filmed them. A documentary was thus born through crowdfunding, directed by three young filmmakers and produced by Enece Film. The music soon becomes a pretext for discovering reactions to constrictions, to the need for obtaining results, to forced socialisation. Admission 5.00 euro.
