PLANET AFRICA presents two films recounting exile: Imaginaires en exil. Cinq cinéastes d’Afrique se racontent by Daniela Ricci and La noire de… by Ousmane Sembène.

Cinema Massimo – 5 February 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

New date for PLANET AFRICA, on Friday 5 February at 8.30 p.m. on Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo, with two films recounting the painful reality of exile. The first is Imaginaires en exil. Cinq cinéastes d'Afrique se racontent, a documentary on five African filmmakers, shown in their everyday life, which intends to highlight the political import of their living on the fringes of society. “Black is still a political category”, explains director Daniela Ricci, “An important issue, since the filmmakers of this film are black and find themselves living in a society where they are considered a minority”. The film will be introduced by the director and by Cecilia Pennacini.

The second film in the evening, at 10.00 p.m., La noire de… (Black girl) by master Ousmane Sembène, is a classic in cinema from Senegal. Admission 3.00 euro.