Event-evening titled THE OLD FACTORIES, featuring a recital, readings, poems and songs with Sergio Donna and Beppe Novajra.

Library/Mediatheque – 24 February 2016, 6.00 p.m. – Events Room

Event-evening at the Library/Mediatheque on Wednesday 24 February at 6.00 p.m., with a meeting, organised in collaboration with the Monginevro Cultura – Turin Association, taking its cue from Sergio Donna’s essay Le Antiche Fabbriche di Borgo San Paolo. Cent'anni di ruggente e gloriosa storia industriale torinese (The old factories at Borgo San Paolo. A hundred years of roaring glorious industrial history in Turin), Ël Torèt-Monginevro Cultura Ed. for recounting a part of the past history and traditions of the Borgo San Paolo district.

For this occasion readings, poems and songs inspired by the blue-collar lifestyle of this district during the Twentieth century will take place in the form of recitals. The rendez-vous features the screening of a short introductory film with rare vintage images of Borgo San Paolo and its ancient factories.

Sergio Donna, the author of the book, will attend with chansonnier Beppe Novajra, who will suggest some songs on this theme from his record "Mè Borgh San Pàul 1900", Ël Torèt-Monginevro Cultura Ed. Meeting introduced by Fabio Pezzetti Tonion (NCM).