Presentation of Non ti scordar di me, the graphic novel by Corrado Bianchetti, with the author attending.

Library/Mediatheque – 13 April 2016, 6.00 p.m. – Events Room

Presentation of the graphic novel Non ti scordar di me (Forget me not) by Corrado Bianchetti, Corracomics 2015, in the Events Room at the Library/Mediatheque.

This comic is recounting a true story by means of pictures, based on the direct testimonies of those who took part in the Resistance struggles and on the life of the author’s great-uncle, Aldo Porta, a partisan in the Luserna Valley, who was shot down in Caluso on 7 April of 1944. Following his introduction, Fabio Pezzetti Tonion (NCM) will be in conversation with the author.