For DYSTOPIAS OF THE PRESENT, meeting on ethics and the environment, with the screening of Le monde selon Monsanto by Marie-Monique Robin.

Cinema Massimo – 17 May 2016, 5.00 p.m. – Screen Three

New rendez-vous for the DYSTOPIAS OF THE PRESENT showcase dedicated to ethics and the environment, with the film screening of Le monde selon Monsanto (The world according to Monsanto) by Marie-Monique Robin. The showcase is organised by the National Cinema Museum in collaboration with the CinePhilo University Association of Turin University.

This meeting on “Ethics and the environment" will feature Gianluca Cuozzo (philosopher), Sergio Lanteri (geneticist) and Jean-Louis Aillon (president of the Movement for Happy Downsizing). Admission 4 euro (3 euro for university students).