The HOME VISION(S) showcase is continuing with the house trilogy by Sam Raimi: The evil dead, Evil dead II and Army of darkness.
The MYLF (Movies You'll Like Festival) group university students are continuing their event by celebrating their home, Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo, with a new showcase: Home Vision(s) – At the cinema, as comfy as home.
Fourteen films from September until May, once again with released and unscreened titles coming from various parts of the globe, in a showcase which will be a reflection and an assessment on the theme of Home. Starting from a title recalling the nostalgic past of VHS cassettes and the ease they used to provide, the group will propose a journey from home to home, from country to country, in the most relaxed and comfortable possible manner: a cinema armchair.
A real October horror marathon, dedicated to the house trilogy by Sam Raimi. Admission 3.00 euro, at all screenings.