I’M OFF TO THE MASSIMO! – The youth cineclub is presenting "Rear window" by Alfred Hitchcock.

Cinema Massimo – 11 January 2017, 6.00 p.m. – Screen One

Kick-off for the cinema showcase curated by students who took part in the I’M OFF TO THE MASSIMO! – The youth cineclub project: the themes it features are five (Great Authors, In-formation, A gaze on the world, Science Fiction, Sport Docu-films) for five films presented and reviewed by the youngsters. The cycle will be opened by one of the film masterpieces of all times, Rear window by thriller master Alfred Hitchcock. Introduction by class III D from the IC Tommaseo – Calvino school, coordinated by Prof. Manlio Marinelli. The showcase will continue with one rendez-vous a month until 17 May. Admission 3.00 euro.