CONTEMPORARY ARTS NIGHT at the National Cinema Museum

Mole Antonelliana – 4 November 2017, from 8.00 to 11.00 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum will also be joining the Contemporary Arts Night, the traditional rendez-vous by ContemporaryArt Torino Piemonte scheduled for Saturday 4 November. For this occasion, reduced admission at the museum from 8.00 to 11.00 p.m. Moreover, guided tours to the Bestiale! Animal Film Stars temporary exhibition, every hour, starting from 6.00 until 9.00 p.m.

Thanks to the tour, the public will be guided towards the discovery of the multi-faceted universe of animals in cinema. Animals who have become actual international stars, who act - and often speak – just like their human colleagues, and who have been capable of winning over worldwide audiences.

Tour duration 1h, price 5.00 euro, plus reduced admission at the museum (8.00 euro). Booking required by filling in  this form and mailing it to - Info: (+39) 011-8138564/65.