
Seeyousound and the National Cinema Museum are presenting the first SoundFramesDay. Three films are being programmed: "Festiwal", "Monterey Pop" and "Let’s Get Lost".

Cinema Massimo – 14 April 2018, at 5.00/7.00/9.00 p.m. – Screen Three

April is marking the birth of a new format in the collaboration between the Seeyousound International Music Film Festival and the National Cinema Museum: the SoundFrames Days, monthly days for research dedicated to the relationship between cinema and music, an ideal connection between the 2018...


The April date for More cinema for all, the cycle of accessibile screenings by AMNC, will be with "La prima cosa bella" by Paolo Virzì.

Cinema Massimo – 10 April 2018, 8.30 p.m.  – Screen Three

More cinema for all, the cycle of screenings with audio-description for the blind and subtitles for the deaf is back, organised in collaboration with the National Cinema Museum Association thanks to support from the Compagnia di San Paolo, within the ambit of the 2016 edition The aim is...


Fifty Years and Counting presents "Selma" by Ava DuVernay.

Cinema Massimo – 13 April 2018, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

The Interuniversity Centre for American and Transatlantic Studies, Turin University, the Piedmont University, the Turin Polytechnic, the Food Science University in Pollenzo, with support from the UCEBI – Christian Evangelical Baptist Union in Italy, the United States of America Consulate in...


Tradition updated. Tribute to Satyajit Ray showcase.

Cinema Massimo – From 3 to 29 April 2018 – Screen Three


The National Cinema Museum is presenting the Tradition updated. Tribute to Satyajit Ray film showcase at the Cinema Massimo, from Tuesday 3 to Sunday 29 April 2018,.


It has been said that the...


The Turin Crime Festival is dedicating three highly emotionally charged titles to documentary film: "Il terrore dimenticato", "Anni spietati" and "Sale per la capra".

Cinema Massimo – 15 April 2018, at 4.00/6.00/8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

The rendez-vous with the Turin Crime Festival is returning again this year, dedicating the day on Sunday 15 April to documentary film. It starts at 4.00 p.m. with the theme of yesterday’s terrorism, which, as one of the films in the programme foretells, has been partly forgotten...


The customary date with RENDEZ-VOUS. New French cinema is back. The showcase will be inaugurated by "Custody", presented by its director Xavier Legrand.

Cinema Massimo – From 6 to 8 April 2018 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum is presenting Rendez-Vous. New French cinema, a brief showcase dedicated to contemporary French cinema, organised by the French Embassy and by the Institut Français. Four still unreleased films in...


Max Cooper Live! - SoundFrames special event at the National Cinema Museum.

National Cinema Museum – 7 April 2018, 8.00 p.m. – Mole Antonelliana

For the occasion of the great SoundFrames. Cinema and music on show exhibition – which may be visited throughout 2018 at the Mole Antonelliana - Seeyousound and Artemide Torino are presenting an exclusive live audio/video by Max...


For Let’s draw Art 2018, the event organised by Abbonamento Musei and open to everybody, the National Cinema Museum is offering a Paper Cinema – Draw your Poster laboratory for children.

National Cinema Museum – 7 April 2018, 3.00/4.00/5.00 p.m. – Mole Antonelliana

The annual rendez-vous with Let’s draw Art, the initiative by Abbonamento Musei Torino Piemonte addressed to children and dedicated to drawing and discovering museums, is back again.


For this occasion, the National Cinema...


Easter at the National Cinema Museum. Special opening, guided tours and activities for everyone

National Cinema Museum – Turin 29.03-03.04.2018 – Mole Antonelliana

During the upcoming Easter festivities (1 and 2 April) the National Cinema Museum will open regularly at the following times:




ICONS, the photography exhibition by Vittoria Ghiotto, the winning project at the OUT OF FOCUS call for young photographers.

Library/Mediatheque – 5 February > 6 April 2018

ICONS by Vittoria Ghiotto is the second of the three winning projects from the OUT OF FOCUS call, to be hosted at the showcasing venue in the Mario Gromo Library/Mediatheque, from 5 February to 6 April 2018. The artist...
