
CinemAmbiente presents Turin and the Alps is featuring the screening of Alberi che camminano by Mattia Colombo.

Cinema Massimo – 18 January 2016, 9.00 p.m. – Screen One

Third rendez-vous for the CinemAmbiente presents Turin and the Alps showcase, with an evening - in collaboration with Feltrinelli Real Cinema - dedicated to the relationship between men and trees, starting from the words and reflections of writer Erri De Luca, the...


First rendez-vous of the year for Cinema with your Baby, with Inside Out.

Cinema Massimo – 17 January 2016, 10.30 a.m. – Screen One

Following the Christmas break, Cinema with your Baby, the initiative by the National Cinema Museum and the Giovani Genitori monthly magazine, which features a matinee screening dedicated to families with babies and tiny tots, is back.

The first rendez-vous is for...


The Fish & Chips Film Festival –International Erotic Cinema Festival is in Turin at last.

Cinema Massimo – From 14 to 17 January 2016 – Screen Three

Fish & Chips Film Festival – Festival International del Cinema Erotico apre for la prima volta a Torino and in Italia una finestra sul “cinema del sessuale” and vuole creare un’occasione for approcciarsi alla sessualità in maniera creativa, libera, innovativa, dissacrante...


The National Cinema Museum renders tribute to Mario Brenta with the screening of his documentaries Corpo a corpo and Calle de la Pietà. The director will meet the public at the cinema.

Cinema Massimo – 13 January 2016, 6.30/8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

Il National Cinema Museum renders tribute to director Mario Brenta, in continuity with the National Film Archive which recently dedicated a broad retrospective to him, with the screening of two of his late documentaries: Corpo a corpo on Wednesday 13...


Magnificent Visions. The Permanent Festival of Restored Film presents The Firemen’s Ball by Milos Forman.

Cinema Massimo – 12 January 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

First rendez-vous for the new year of MAGNIFICENT VISIONS: The Permanent Festival of Restored Film with the screening of the film Horí, má panenko (The Firemen’s Ball) by Milos Forman in its...


A history of documentary film – Between cinema and anthropology in January presents Être et avoir by Nicolas Philibert, La mia classe by Daniele Gaglianone and When we were kings by Leon Gast.

Cinema Massimo – 12/19/26 January 2016 – Screen Three

January will see the conclusion of A history of documentary film – Between cinema and anthropology, the showcase organised with the chairs of Visual Anthropology (Department of Cultures, Politics and Society) and Documentary Cinema History (Humanities Department of Turin...


The Mylfestival collective presents Face On, the showcase organised by cinema students and scholars for a young public. The first two films are Scream 4 by W. Craven and Laurence Anyways by X. Dolan.

Cinema Massimo –11/25 January 2016 – Screen Three

This year’s novelty is the beginning of a showcase that is the result of a hybrid project, conducted jointly by the National Cinema Museum and the University of Turin, involving students and scholars with the aim of creating a showcase designed specifically a young public. The whole process of...


Rediscovered Cinema at the Cinema presents The great dictator by Charles Spencer Chaplin.

Cinema Massimo – 11/12/18/19/25/26 January 2016 – Screen Three

The Bologna Film Archive initiative which is bringing film history classics back to the big screen, is continuing. January will feature the bravest and most structured of Chaplin’s films. The great dictator was indeed made in spite of the worrying demands by the...


The evergreen story of Cinderella in the wonderful film adaptation by Kenneth Branagh is inaugurating the At the cinema with the family cycle.

Cinema Massimo – 9 January 2016, 4.00 p.m. – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum presents al Cinema Massimo At the cinema with the family: a rendez-vous expressly conceived for families which will propose a series of screenings on Saturday afternoon, starting from January, with films selected for entertaining,...


35mm presents L’eau froide by Olivier Assayas.

Cinema Massimo – 9/24/27/31 January 2016 – Screen Three

A comeback for the rendez-vous with 35mm, the cycle conceived for enhancing the heritage on film at the National Cinema Museum, with the screening of L’eau froide by Olivier Assayas.

The film is the long version of a one-hour TV film (La Page...
