
For the occasion of Artissima, the CROSSROADS rendez-vous in November is with Station to Station by Doug Aitken.

Cinema Massimo – from 7 to 15 November 2015 - Screen Three

For the occasion of Artissima, the National Cinema Museum is finally bringing Station to Station, Doug Aitken’s beautiful work to Torino, documenting the new project of one of the top contemporary American artists, with the...


For the Pale Mothers. Recounting terrorism between Italy and Germany showcase, film screening of La prima linea by Renato De Maria.

Library/Mediatheque – 5 November 2015, 3.30 p.m. – Events Room

The National Cinema Museum "Mario Gromo" Library/Mediatheque presents the film screening of La prima linea (The Front Line) by Renato De Maria for the Pale Mothers. Recounting terrorism between Italy and Germany...


For the Histoire(s) du cinéma - from silent film to sound showcase, film screening of Hiroshima mon amour by Alain Resnais.

Cinema Massimo – 4 November 2015, 6.00 p.m. - Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum and the Humanities Department of Turin University will present the film screening of Hiroshima mon amour by Alain Resnais, introduced by Giaime Alonge...


For the “Cinema and Psychoanalysis – Love and sexuality” cycle, screening of Mysterious Skin by Greg Araki.

Cinema Massimo – 4 October 2015, 8.30 p.m. - Screen Three

Second-last date this year for the cycle of screenings organised by the National Cinema Museum and the Turin Psychoanalysis Centre. The aim is to show how cinema has been able to explore and develop the theme of eros, capturing its novel and surprising aspects...


For the occasion of the GOLDEN TIMES exhibition dedicated to the figure of Arrigo Frusta, studies conference titled Frusta in writing and in films.

Library/Mediatheque – 3 November 2015, 3.00 p.m. – Events Room

For the occasion of the GOLDEN TIMES. Arrigo Frusta (1875-1965) – From the late Nineteenth century bohème years and the golden season of Hollywood on the Po to the “Brandé” – organised by the Piedmont Regional Council in collaboration with the National...


Ricky Tognazzi presents the restoration of the film I mostri by Dino Risi.

Cinema Massimo – 3 November 2015, 8.30 p.m. - Screen Three

Unmissable rendez-vous for MAGNIFICENT VISIONS - The Permanent Festival of Restored Film with the film screening of I mostri (Opiate '67) by Dino Risi in its restored version, on 3 November at...


Inauguration of the BRANDO, THE MAN showcase, with the film screening of The Men by Fred Zinneman.

Library/Mediatheque – 2 November 2015, 3.30 p.m. – Events Room

The “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque presents the BRANDO, THE MAN showcase, which will propose four emblematic titles from this great actor’s filmography every Monday at 3.30 p.m. The showcase will be inaugurated on Monday 2 November at 3.30 p.m. by Fred Zinneman...


Neorealism/Neorealisms. 12 films compared showcase.

Cinema Massimo – from 2 to 18 November 2015 - Screen Three

For the occasion of the “Neorealist Cinema - The Splendour of Truth in Postwar Italy” exhibition at the Mole Antonelliana until 29 November 2015, the National Cinema Museum is presenting Neorealism/Neorealisms. 12 films compared, a showcase...


REDISCOVERED CINEMA AT THE CINEMA presents Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma by Pier Paolo Pasolini at the Cinema Massimo.

Cinema Massimo – from 2 to 17 November 2015 - Screen Three

The Bologna Film Archive Foundation initiative which is bringing film history classics back to the big screen, is continuing. Pier Paolo Pasolini will be remembered in November, 40 years from his demise, with the restoration of Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma...


For Halloween, tribute to Wes Craven with the screening of A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Cinema Massimo – 31 October 2015, 8.30/10.15 p.m. - Screen Three

For the occasion of the Halloween Festivities, the National Cinema Museum will render tribute to the recently departed Wes Craven, and his evergreen A Nightmare on Elm Street...
