
Donato Sansone. Metaversi

Mole Antonelliana - From April 7th to September 8th, 2025

Dal 7 aprile 2025, il piano di accoglienza del Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino ospiterà la mostra Donato Sansone. Metaversi, che propone alcune opere dell’artista...


Summer 2020 at the National Museum of Cinema

Mole Antonelliana - Summer 2020

From the 1 to 31 August 2020 the National Museum of Cinema will be open again every day (except every Tuesday we remain closed) from 10-7 pm. 

The Panoramic Lift in the...


National Museum of Cinema, Panoramic lift, Cinema Massimo and the Medialibrary “Mario Gromo” closed


We inform our public that, in compliance with the Ordinance of the President of the Council of Ministers of 8th March 2020, the Museum, the Panoramic lift, the Cinema Massimo and the Medialibrary “Mario Gromo”...


We inform our public that starting Monday 2nd of March, the Museum, the Panoramic Lift and Cinema Massimo will be open with regular opening hours.

We inform our public that starting Monday 2nd, the Museum, the Panoramic Lift and Cinema Massimo will be open with regular opening hours.

Tuesday 3rd extraordinary opening of the Museum.


Christmas at the National Museum of Cinema

From December 24th, 2019 to January 6th , 2020

For the coming Christmas Holidays, the National Museum of Cinema will always be open at the following times:
