PLANET AFRICA is back, featuring the documentary 18 IUS SOLI by Fred Kuwornu, for the occasion of African October 2014.

Library/Mediatheque – 10 October 2014, 10.00 a.m.

PLANET AFRICA, the event organised by National Cinema Museum since 2010, is back, its main aim being to place the African continent, with its strong issues but also the great positive and suggestive trends that are taking shape, at the CORE of careful reflection involving various subjects and to create a place TOGETHER where meetings between the two cultures may be made easier, protecting their mutual identities.


The first date for this new season is organised within Turin African October 2014, in collaboration with Associazione Renken, Nakiri and Piemondo and will feature a screening for schools of the documentary 18 IUS SOLI by Fred Kuwornu, (Italy 2013, 49’, col.). Writer Cristina Ali Farah, of Somali origins, will attend a meeting with the students. Admission reserved for schools.
