For the occasion of Women’s Day, Progetto Palestina presents THE WORLD. Women in Palestine.

Cinema Massimo – 8 March 2016, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

On Women’s Day, the Progetto Palestina student group is proposing an evening dedicated to female Palestinian filmmakers and to a project born from the SHASHAT Association of Ramallah and the Women's Empowerment and Local Development (WELOD) joint efforts, a part of "Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo" in Jerusalem.

Such realities have carried out work to train and stimulate nine young female Palestinian filmmakers, who have in turn made nine short films. WORLD is the title which encapsulates the essence contained in these nine works.

In collaboration with Cultura è Libertà, AAMOD, SHASHAT Association. Introduction by Progetto Palestina. Admission 3.00 euro.