For the occasion of THE THREE MUSKETEERS theatre showcase, screening of The Iron Mask by Randall Wallace. Introduced by Franco Prono.

Library/Mediatheque – 18 April 2016, 3.30 p.m. – Events Room

For the occasion of THE THREE MUSKETEERS theatre showcase, a theatre experiment in 8 episodes organised by the TPE Foundation (Teatro Astra from 18 February to 1 May 2016), the National Cinema Museum is organising a brief cinema showcase together with DAMS - Turin University and AIACE Turin, which is featuring three meetings dedicated to the way cinema has "reinterpreted" characters created by Alexandre Dumas. The Iron Mask by Randall Wallace will be screened this week. Introduced by Franco Prono (DAMS - Turin University), along with some actors from the Company. For information on the showcase and events:;; Admission free.