A STRANGER TO HIMSELF AND TO OTHERS. A brief tribute-showcase for Tonino De Bernardi.

Cinema Massimo – 15 and 17 April 2016 – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum will render tribute to Tonino De Bernardi with a brief showcase titled A STRANGER TO HIMSELF AND TO OTHERS, offering the four films he made between 1989 and 1992, produced by Cooperativa 28 Dicembre.

It will feature experimental and research cinema; especially inner research, directed at the essence of cinema that merges with life. “When I tell you that I’m alive only if I make movies, it’s actually because film has always been a therapeutic action for me, as if it kept me alive, I daren't even call it “understanding myself”. I know that if I say so you can answer me: ‘But then what will the viewer understand?’. Well, I can offer my research to understand myself, to make myself, to propose myself…”. The showcase will be opened on Friday 15 April at 8.30 p.m. on Screen Three, by the screening of Leçons de tenèbres 1&2. Before the film, meeting with Tonino De Bernardi and Giuseppe Gariazzo.

Admission 6.00/4.00/3.00 euro.