The National Cinema Museum Association is presenting the Turin premiere of Pequeñas Mentiras Piadosas by Niccolò Bruna.

Cinema Massimo – 27 June 2016, 8.45 p.m. – Screen Three

Within the framework of the 4th edition of a Summer at the Cinema, the National Cinema Museum Association is pleased to host the Turin premiere of Pequeñas Mentiras Piadosas (The travel agent) by Niccolò Bruna, a film co-produced by the Piemonte Doc Film Fund.

The context is Cuba during the 54th year of embargo. From the office where she works, Lourdes watches the crowds on the square in Havana, a short distance from the US Embassy. Hundreds of Cubans jostle there daily for a visa. Lourdes is a charismatic woman who offers guidance service to those who wish to travel: her customers tell her about their life and learn some techniques for a successful interview from her. At the end, meeting with the director. Admission 3.00 euro.