Anton Gino Domeneghini’s restored film “The Singing Princess” is the star of the CULT! festival’s November edition

Cinema Massimo - 9 November 2009 at 8.30PM

The National Museum of Cinema dedicates its usual monthly edition of Cult! to the restoration of Anton Gino Domeneghini's La Rosa di Bagdad (The Singing Princess), which was undertaken by the Film Documentari d'Arte di Firenze and Cinecittà-Luce for the film's sixtieth anniversary.

During the evening, the documentary Una rosa di guerra - The incredible story of "La Rosa di Bagdad" (1949), by Massimo Becattini, which investigates the history of the film, will be shown, and afterwards the new, high-definition edition of the restored and digitally remastered film - using its original Technicolor material - will be screened.