Presentation of the book Drammaturgia del cinema documentario by Lorenzo Hendel and a reflection on contemporary documentary narration.

Library/Mediatheque – 29 November 2016, 5.00 p.m. – Events Room

Dino Audino editore and the National Cinema Museum “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque are organising the Recounting reality meeting, in collaboration with Turin University, a reflection on contemporary documentary narration starting from reading Lorenzo Hendel’s book “Drammaturgia del cinema documentario” (Dino Audino editore).


While reflecting on the capacity for adhering to reality which belongs to documentary cinema, Lorenzo Hendel, Alessandra Comazzi, Paolo Manera and Franco Prono will question how much documentary influences our manner of perceiving – and also modifying – reality nowadays, also examining possible developments regarding its markets and audiences. Meeting introduced by Giampiero Frasca.