The autumn rendez-vous with Histoire(s) du cinéma. From silent film to sound is returning at the Cinema Massimo. The showcase is being inaugurated with Citizen Kane by Orson Welles.

Cinema Massimo – From 4 to 25 October 2017, 6.00 p.m. – Screen Three

The National Cinema Museum and the Humanities Department of Turin University are presenting their new programme of classics, linked to film studies.

An itinerary going back in time within the history of film, for insights into filmic language in its various stages and different ages. The new season is being inaugurated on Wednesday 4 October 2017 at 6.00 p.m., by the screening of Citizen Kane by Orson Welles, introduced by Giaime Alonge. Admission 4 euro (3 euro for university students).


HISTOIRE(S) DU CINÉMA is a showcase – winding through the months of October and November - dedicated to the most significant classics from silent film to the Eighties, introduced and commented by Giaime Alonge and Matteo Pollone. This showcase is organised by the National Cinema Museum and the Humanities Department of Turin University. Its weekly rendez-vous is foreseen every Wednesday at 6 p.m.


Screenings calendar


Orson Welles

Citizen Kane

(Usa 1941, 119’, Hd, b/w, o.v. it. s/t)

Upon the death of magnate Kane, a journalist inquires into his life: from his childhood to his rise through the world of press and finance, to his love story with a missed opera singer to his solitary demise in the luxurious and vast estate of Xanadu.

Wed 4, at 6.00 p.m. – Introduced by Giaime Alonge


Roberto Rossellini


(Usa 1946, 124’, DCP, b/w)

Six episodes, following the itinerary of the Allies who landed in Sicily in 1943 towards the Po delta. In the Naples occupied by the Allies a shoe-shiner kid steals a black soldier’s shoes. A love story takes place in Rome between a prostitute and an American soldier. In Florence the Germans and the partisans fight on the city rooftops. One of the seminal titles of neorealism.

Wed 11, at 6.00 p.m. – Introduced by Matteo Pollone


François Truffaut

Les Quatre Cents Coups

(France 1959, 99’, Hd, b/w, o.v. it. s/t)

Antoine Doinel is a lonely, unwanted and misunderstood boy. In order to rebel, he skips school and steals here and there. When he steals a typewriter to pay for a trip to the seaside, they denounce him and shut him up in a reformatory.

Wed 18, at 6.15 p.m. – Introduced by Giaime Alonge


Joseph Losey

The Servant

(Great Britain 1963, 116’, Hd, b/w, o.v. it. s/t)

Upon being hired by young, rich and noble Tony Mounset, waiter Hugo Barrett understands his new master’s weak character and is quick to gain a dominating position, involving his lover Vera in the game as well.

Wed 25, at 6.00 p.m. – Introduced by Giaime Alonge